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Section 106


SPARK Consulting conducts architectural surveys to comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966.  This section specifies that projects involving the federal government (such as federal projects, projects using federal funds, or projects required a federal permit) assess the effect of the project on historic properties.  The federal regulations outline a specific process to follow to complete the Section 106 process. 


Section 106 is a series of steps that must be completed and documented prior to the beginning of a project that requires Section 106 review.  It includes the determination of an Area of Potential Effect (APE), identification of historic resources in this APE, evaluation of these resources for National Register eligibility, and assessment of the effect of the project on sites listed on or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places


Rebecca Lawin McCarley has conducted numerous Section 106 surveys throughout the course of her career for transportation projects, HUD rehabilitation projects, community block grant projects, telecommunications towers, and local governments.  For additional information, contact SPARK Consulting.


Additional information on the Section 106 process can be found at www.achp.gov/work106.html.

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Copyright 2004-2021 SPARK Consulting
Last modified:  January 2021